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We are schools in TRANSFORMATION.
We are conscious of how important emotions are to learn, and that is why we are involved in the creation and development of an emotional care program in our school. Because emotional inteligence should be taken into acount in students´ learning process, in order to improve it and facilitate their social inclusion in the community in their future.

Three steps for Emotional Management in European Schools.

Emotional Literacy is the knowledge of emotions and helps us to understand, express and manage our own emotions and to deal appropriately with the emotions of others. Here are some stategies you can use:
They are tricks we can use to help us deal with our emotions, especially unpleasant emotions.  First we have to know what emotion we are feeling (am I feeling anger?) and then we have to understand what generated this emotion so that we can then choose a regulation strategy (let us take a deep breath to calm down or evaluate our thoughts). Here are some strategies you can use:

Conflict mediation is a tool that aims to promote dialogue and resolve disagreements that may arise at school. Mediation also helps to build a democratic, peaceful and cooperative environment among students. Here are some stategies you can use:


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