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The smile of a child- sunrise in the middle of summer, such is the Kindergarten with Extended Program, No.8, Tg-Jiu. Located in the middle of a ively neighborhood in the area of 9 Mai, 2 Mioriţei Street, it is a castle made of fairy tales to which the 300 preschoolers and 40 forerunners cross the threshold every morning. In this wonderful institution, 40 employees welcome the wonderful beings with a lot of warmth of mind but also with a richness and diversity of materials, materializing in balance and harmony. This place of culture of preschool education was established in April 1973 at the initiative of the Gorj School Inspectorate.
Having a capacity of 300 places in the dormitory for preschoolers and 100 places in the nursery for preschoolers, our unit functioned
without interruption being guided with competence by specialized inspectors for preschool education, Mrs. Maria Teiş, Camelia

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